Personalization, High Touch, Perceptions


With Boomers: Avoid all whiffs of ageism and treat them in the youthful way they perceive themselves.

With Gen Xers:  Be super aware of external perceptions. Get feedback regularly from clients, and do your market research 

With Millennials:  Provide a lot of guidance and frequent feedback without seeming condescending or treating them like kids. Be authentic, transparent, and relevant to the moment.

With Gen Zers: Spend time in person if possible. While they spend a lot of time
connecting on screens, put your devices away when with them outside of work-specific tasks.

Phyllis Weiss Haserot

Phyllis Weiss Haserot, president of Practice Development Counsel, helps organizations and individuals solve inter-generational challenges among work colleagues and with clients to achieve better productivity and knowledge transfer, retention, succession planning and business development results. Connect with her through emailtwitter, or LinkedIn